Client Content

Responsible Lending Laws Set to Be Axed

Recently, the Federal Government announced that it would be removing responsible lending laws, in a bid to free up credit and help boost the economy. What do these changes mean for borrowers? Responsible lending laws were introduced on the back of the Global Financial Crisis as part of the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009. […]

Property Prices Hold Up Well During May

It was very likely that when the latest CoreLogic data was released on house prices, there were a number of doomsayers who were a little disappointed. While prices across the major capital cities did decline by -0.5 per cent, this is a long way from the 30 per cent falls that some were suggesting. Overall, […]

What’s in Store for Hobart Property After A Flood of Rentals Hit?

Hobart property has been on somewhat of a charmed run in recent times, with property values rising sharply and investors being blessed with both strong demand and incredibly low vacancy rates. However, the flood of short-stay rentals that have hit the market in recent weeks, must just be a turning point for a market in […]

Landlords & Tenants: How Has Your State’s Rental Laws Changed?

After the Federal Government imposed a six-month moratorium on evictions, the state governments have been working on individual measure to assist renters and landlords throughout the COVID-19 crisis. There are a number of questions that need answering, both for landlords and tenants and so far, the changes have been a work in progress. Over the […]

How Property Markets are Responding According to HTW

The COVID-19 crisis has thrown the national economy into turmoil, while property markets are still clearly trying to digest what it all means. Leading valuers Herron Todd White has tabled their thoughts into what each state is facing and what might lie ahead for the nations residential property markets. NSW Sydney has been at the […]

Property experts share COVID-19 market predictions

Property experts from across the country have shared their thoughts on what might happen to the national property market as the fallout from COVID-19 continues to play out. Ripehouse Advostry recently put together a white paper entitled COVID-19 V Australian Property, which outlined what areas of the market would be impacted the most, as well […]

What’s the Best Ownership Structure When Buying a House?

The most popular way to buy a property in Australia is in your own name. In fact, more than 65% of homebuyers use this very method. Buying a property in your own name is quick, easy and uncomplicated but in doing so, you could be missing out on a range of other benefits and protections […]

What Does Zero Immigration Mean for Australia’s Property Market?

Based on the latest Government forecasts, the number of long-term immigrants into Australia could drop by almost 300,000 in the coming years, which would spell trouble for certain areas of the Australian property market. One of the major drivers of Australia’s long-term growth in property values has been the steady levels of immigration. With the […]

Buying a House With No Deposit

As median house prices across the East Coast of Australia have seen huge price gains over the last decade, it has become more challenging for first-home buyers to get into the market. With the high cost of living in cities like Melbourne, it is harder than ever to try and save up the deposit for […]

What Happens When Investors Have a Reason to Sell?

As the COVID-19 shutdown keeps the national economy in various states of lockdown, property investors have been caught in the middle of the crisis. With many jobs and sectors being effectively shutdown, investors are increasingly nervous about how they are going to pay their mortgages. And those fears are starting to ripple their way through […]